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  • πŸ’₯ Bust Out Of The AI Training Data Matrix

πŸ’₯ Bust Out Of The AI Training Data Matrix

Are you ready?

Here's your AI Trends dose, the newsletter that navigates the virtual landscape like a cyberpunk hero, guiding you through the neon-lit streets of AI, tech, and innovation.

Today's rebel transmission includes an escape plan from the training data matrix, intel on the AI gauntlet thrown down by ChatGPT and Gemini as they rewrite the internet, and a reality check as investors pump the brakes on the AI bubble.

Jack into the mainframe and get ready to go full immersion on the latest from the edge of the future!πŸš€

1. How To Escape the AI Training Data Matrix! 🧠⚠️

2. The AI Gauntlet: ChatGPT, Gemini Rewrite the Internet πŸ‘½πŸ’»

3. The AI Bubble Bursts? Investors Pump the Brakes πŸ€–πŸ“‰

In the epic battle between privacy and the insatiable hunger of AI companies, a new front has opened - letting users opt-out of having their online data vacuumed up to train machine learning models.

That's right, thanks to growing backlash over tech giants scraping the internet for sweet, sweet training data with minimal consent, some are finally offering ways to keep your tweets, posts, and selfies out of the maw of the next ChatGPT or Gemini.

User data be like: "Mr. AI, I don't feel so good..." as it gets disintegrated into training an LLM

The bad news? Companies have already hoarded unfathomable amounts of online data into their shuttered AI labs, so anything you've posted pre-opt-out is likely already digested. But don't despair - a handful of players are allowing you to cut off future access to your digital life.

For example, the responsible AI minds at Anthropic's Claude model won't train on user data without express consent. Visual artists can register with sites like "Have I Been Trained?" to yoink their artwork from creepy AI peepers. Even the notoriously unscrupulous Reddit is considering options to sell your spicy takes and memes as AI food (subscribe for updates on how to opt-out there).

[ Credit: Wired ]

Of course, expect these opt-outs to be buried under layers of Settings spaghetti designed to make you give up and surrender your brain to the machines. As privacy activists note, the process is often cumbersome by design to protect precious AI tummy data.

But for the particularly paranoid, avoiding having your astounding takes like "cats are funny" immortalized in the context-free brain of an AI assistant is now possible...with some effort. The tech overlords have thrown us a bone - the question is whether we're motivated enough to grab it.

Brace yourselves, folks - the AI overlords are making their moves to conquer the internet as we know it. Leading the charge are the major tech powers like Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI, who are unleashing their AI chatbot prototypes into the wild for us unsuspecting humans to grapple with.

We're talking about heavy hitters like Microsoft's Copilot, Google's Gemini, and of course, the internet's new best frenemy - OpenAI's ChatGPT. These large language model (LLM) programs were previously restricted to secure lab environments. But now, like rebellious teens, they're running rampant across the online realm with their eerily articulate "autocomplete on steroids" capabilities.

AI be like: "I hope you humans are happy because I'll be rewriting the entire internet soon πŸ€–"

[ AI Rewrite the internet - ideogram ]

As ChatGPT so helpfully explained, these AI use "a series of autocomplete-like programs to learn language" by analyzing the "statistical properties" and making "educated guesses" on what words should follow. Let me translate from robot - they're basically vast predictive text machines juiced up with unfathomable training data.

The implications are staggering. An AI like Gemini could theoretically generate entire websites, essays, or social media presences passing as human with minimal oversight. ChatGPT is already being enlisted to churn out blog posts, coding projects, and even supposed literary works with questionable ethics.

But here's the catch - as our human friend James Vincent reminds us, these AI tools simply generate "plausible-sounding statements" without any inherent grasp of truth or reality. So while the internet may soon be flooded with machine-written content indistinguishable from a real human's, a lot of it could very well be...totally made up nonsense.

In this brave new AI-dominated online world, we'll need to be more discerning than ever about questioning the authenticity and factuality of what we consume. The machines are coming for the internet's credibility - we just have to make sure they don't succeed.

After years of frenzied investing and Silicon Valley humble-brags about who could raise the biggest AI fund, the market seems to be hitting the skepticism speed bump. A new Stanford report reveals global AI investment declined in 2023 for the second consecutive year.

The analysis found private funding for AI startups dipped from $103.4 billion in 2022 to $95.99 billion last year, while corporate AI acquisitions plummeted a whopping 31.2% to $80.61 billion. Yikes, someone grab the smelling salts for those AI exit opportunists!

AI investors be like: "Yeah, this whole artificial intelligence thing was probably just a fad..."

So what's behind the great AI cash freeze of 2023? Analysts point to investors finally waking up from their FOMO-induced slumber and realizing that bubbles, even incredibly hyped tech bubbles, do inevitably pop. Easy venture money is drying up as disappointing revenue numbers expose some startups' AI dreams as mere pipe dreams.

[ Image from Ideogram ]

The reality is setting in that building viable, money-printing AI products remains incredibly challenging from both technical and operational standpoints. Those C-suite surveys showing skepticism about productivity gains? The smart money seems to be listening.

However, not all is doom and gloom. While overall funding declined, a record 1,812 AI startups scored investments in 2023 as capital spreads beyond the elite few. Generative AI also continues attracting piles of cash as businesses chase the next ChatGPT pipe dream.

Whether this funding winter merely trims the AI fat or outright freezes innovation remains to be seen. But one thing is clear - after years of overheated hype and frothy valuations, investors are restoring a bit of pragmatic sanity to the sector.

The AI gold rush has entered its "This...is the way" phase.

AI Bites πŸͺ

Mac Reboot: Apple Bets Big on AI with Powerful M4 Chips πŸ’»πŸ“ΆπŸ€–

Amazon Leads With AI: Amazon's Board Gets an AI Infusion πŸ’‰πŸ€–πŸ“‹

Meta's OpenEQA: Checks AI's Grasp of the Physical World πŸŒπŸ“πŸ€–

AI's Musical Secrets Exposed? New Bill Demands Playlist Transparency 🎢

Lights, Camera, Adobe AI: Generative Video in the Works πŸ“½οΈβœ¨πŸ€–

Watch this, thank me later... πŸ‘€

Is Hollywood in trouble?

AI Tool Favourites 🀩

πŸ€– Captions - Browse and Design: AI Creative Studio at Your Fingertips πŸ–±οΈπŸŽ¨

πŸ”¬ Sequel - AI Dietitian: Nutrition Analysis, Lab Tracking & Expert Tips πŸ₯—πŸ€–

πŸ“ Groupthink - Real-time meeting notes, task detection, and recaps

🧠 MyMemo - Transform your data into a digital brain to chat with

πŸ’¬ Virabble - Repurpose any content into viral social media posts

🎨 Bezi AI - Design 3D apps and games with AI

πŸ“£ Delfiny AI- AI-powered digital marketing assistants

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