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  • 🤖 Apple Shuns Meta, Music Giants Slap AI And Amazon Drops a Bombshell🎵💼

🤖 Apple Shuns Meta, Music Giants Slap AI And Amazon Drops a Bombshell🎵💼

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Good morning, afternoon and good evening!

Here's your AI Trends dose, the newsletter that's the ultimate ringside announcer for the heavyweight bouts in AI, tech, and innovation. In today's thrilling match-up, we've got Apple's AI power play bringing OpenAI and Alphabet into its corner while showing Meta the ropes 🍎🤝🛡️, music giants dropping the legal beat on AI startups in a high-stakes showdown 🎵💼🤖, and Amazon's AI chatbot stepping into the ring with a teased Alexa makeover waiting in the wings 🥊.

Ding ding ding! Let's get ready to rumble with the latest tech titans' tussles!

(plus don’t forget the AI bites news bit…🍪)

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(Just Gimme this week’s headlines…)

1. 🍎 Apple's AI Power Play: OpenAI & Alphabet In, Meta Out! 🤝🛡️

2. 🎵 Music Giants Drop the Legal Beat on AI Startups! 💼🤖

3. Amazon's AI Chatbot In the Ring + Alexa Makeover Teased 🥊

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🍎 Apple's AI Power Play: OpenAI & Alphabet In, Meta Out! 🤝🛡️

🚫 Apple to Meta: "Sorry, we're not accepting your friend request!"

In a twist that's got Silicon Valley buzzing, Apple has given Meta Platforms the cold shoulder, declining to include their AI chatbot in the iPhone. Why, you ask? Well, it seems Apple's not too keen on Meta's approach to privacy. It's like Apple's saying, "If privacy were an apple, we'd be making pie, but Meta's just making sauce!"

This decision comes after a brief chat between the two tech titans back in March. Those talks were shorter than a TikTok! But let's be real, given Apple's hardcore stance on user privacy, are we really surprised?

🤝 Apple's new BFFs: OpenAI and Alphabet

But don't worry, folks! Apple's not going solo in the AI race. They've decided to team up with OpenAI and Alphabet instead. That's right, ChatGPT and Gemini are getting cozy with Siri! It's like the Avengers of AI, assembling to protect your digital privacy!

This power move by Apple is really stirring the pot in the tech world. It's not just about AI anymore; it's about home devices, mixed-reality headsets, and who's going to be the top dog in the next tech revolution. Apple and Meta are like two heavyweight champions, and they're both eyeing that championship belt!

🇪🇺 European users left out in the cold

Now, here's a plot twist for our friends across the pond. Due to some regulatory hiccups, European customers won't be getting a taste of these new AI features. It's like being invited to the coolest party of the year, only to find out it's been cancelled in your city. Bummer!

Some friends, some not so much…

💰 Investors love the privacy play

But here's where it gets really interesting. This focus on privacy isn't just good PR – it's good business! Investors are throwing their support behind companies that prioritize user privacy. It's like the stock market has suddenly developed a conscience!

Apple's partnerships with OpenAI and Alphabet could be the secret sauce that gives them the edge in the AI race. They're not just setting new standards for AI; they're rewriting the rulebook on privacy protocols. It's like they're building a digital Fort Knox for your data!

🤐 The silent treatment

Now, if you're waiting for official statements from Apple or Meta about this rejected partnership, don't hold your breath. Both companies are keeping mum about the whole affair. It's like high school drama, but with billion-dollar companies! I’m Sirious!!

🎸 Sony, Warner Brothers, and Universal are cranking up the volume on AI startups with a $150K lawsuit symphony!

In a move that's shaking the foundations of the AI music world, the big three - Sony, Warner Brothers, and Universal - along with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), have hit AI startups Uncharted Labs, Suno, and Udio with a legal crescendo. These music giants are accusing the startups of using copyrighted tunes without permission to train their music-generating models. Talk about a sour note!

The lawsuits are specifically targeting Suno and Udio, demanding a whopping $150,000 per work in damages for what they're calling "massive copyright infringement." That's enough to make anyone's wallet sing the blues!

🎹 It's like these AI startups tried to sample without clearing the rights, and now they're facing a multi-million dollar remix!

But wait, there's more! The major record labels aren't just stopping at Suno and Udio. They're also taking Uncharted Labs to court for unauthorized use of artists' work. It's like a legal battle royale, with the music industry's finest stepping into the ring to protect their artists' rights.

Now, you might be wondering, "What's the big deal? Isn't AI supposed to revolutionize the music industry?" Well, here's the thing - the RIAA is actually all for AI development in music, but they're pushing for the ethical route. They're emphasizing the importance of proper consent and compensation for artists. After all, even AI needs to pay its dues!

🎤 The message is clear: AI, you can join the band, but you gotta pay to play!

AI Music Got Loud…

And it's not just the suits who are speaking up. Some of the biggest names in music are lending their voices to this cause. Billie Eilish and Katy Perry are among the artists supporting the call for AI developers to respect their rights. When pop stars and record labels are on the same page, you know it's serious business!

But here's the real kicker - these lawsuits aren't just about punishing the AI upstarts. They're actually highlighting the potential benefits of AI tools in the music industry... if they're used responsibly and with permission from copyright owners. It's like the music industry is saying, "We're not against progress, we just want to make sure everyone gets their fair share of the royalties."

So, what does this mean for the future of AI in music? Well, it's clear that the industry is at a crossroads. On one side, we have the incredible potential of AI to revolutionize music creation and production. Imagine an AI that could help songwriters overcome writer's block, or producers create the perfect beat in seconds. The possibilities are endless!

On the other hand, we have very real concerns about artist rights and fair compensation. After all, if AI can create hit songs by learning from existing music, what does that mean for human artists? Will we still need human musicians in the future? (Spoiler alert: Of course we will! Nothing beats the raw emotion and creativity of a human artist... at least not yet!)

This legal battle is likely just the opening act in what could be a long and complex performance. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more discussions and debates about the role of artificial intelligence in creative industries.

But here's the silver lining - this legal action could actually pave the way for more responsible and ethical AI development in the music industry. By setting clear boundaries and expectations now, we might just be laying the groundwork for a future where AI and human creativity can harmonize perfectly.

So, what do you think? Are the music giants right to drop the legal hammer on these AI startups? Or are they just trying to protect an outdated business model? And most importantly, would you listen to an AI-generated song if you knew it was created without the original artists' permission?

As we wait for this legal symphony to play out, one thing's for sure - the music industry is changing, and AI is playing a big part in that change. Whether it's a harmony or a cacophony remains to be seen, but you can bet it's going to be one heck of a show! 🎵💼🤖

Amazon's AI Chatbot In the Ring + Alexa Makeover Teased 🥊

Amazon is about to shake up the AI world with not one, but two exciting announcements that are sure to make waves in the industry. Let's dive into the juicy details!

First up, meet Metis – Amazon's answer to ChatGPT! 🥊

Amazon is throwing its hat into the AI chatbot ring with the development of Metis, a consumer-focused AI chatbot that's set to give OpenAI's ChatGPT a run for its money. Powered by the mighty Olympus AI model, Metis is gearing up to be your new favorite digital conversationalist.

🗨️ Metis aims to be your go-to AI buddy, providing text- and image-based answers to make you feel like you're chatting with a tech-savvy friend!

What's really got us buzzing is that Amazon's big boss, CEO Andy Jassy, is personally involved in this project. Talk about high-stakes! The Metis project falls under the AGI team led by Rohit Prasad, so you know it's in good hands.

Mark your calendars for September, folks! That's when Amazon is tentatively planning to unleash Metis upon the world, coinciding with a big Alexa event. It's like Christmas coming early for tech lovers!

Alexa AI Upgrade??

But hold on, not everyone at Amazon is doing a happy dance. Some team members are feeling a bit like the kid who shows up late to the party, questioning whether Amazon has missed the boat on the AI chatbot craze. They're also raising eyebrows about the company's commitment to the project. Will Metis be a game-changer or just another face in the AI crowd? Only time will tell!

Now, let's talk about Alexa's glow-up! 💅🔊

While Metis is getting ready for its debut, our old friend Alexa is also getting a makeover. Amazon is cooking up a new version of its voice assistant called 'Remarkable Alexa.' And let me tell you, it's going to be... well, remarkable!

The most intriguing part? 'Remarkable Alexa' will come with a paid tier that's expected to rake in a cool $600 million in additional sales. That's right, folks – Alexa's about to become a money-making machine!

🤑 Alexa's new paid tier could be a game-changer for Amazon's bottom line. Will you be willing to shell out some cash for a smarter Alexa?

It's clear that Amazon is going all-in on generative AI technology across its business. They're on a mission to silence the naysayers who've been whispering that Amazon is falling behind in the AI race. With Metis and 'Remarkable Alexa' on the horizon, it looks like they're ready to prove the doubters wrong.

But here's the million-dollar question: Can Amazon catch up to its rivals in the AI chatbot arena? While they may be fashionably late to the party, let's not forget that Amazon has a track record of turning industries on its head. Remember when they were "just" an online bookstore?

The competition is fierce, with ChatGPT, Google's Bard Gemini, and others already making waves. But Amazon's got a few tricks up its sleeve. With its vast resources, mountains of data, and a CEO who's personally invested in the project, Metis could be the dark horse that takes the AI world by storm.

And let's not underestimate the power of the Alexa ecosystem. With millions of devices already in homes around the world, 'Remarkable Alexa' could be the trojan horse that brings advanced AI capabilities to the masses.

As we eagerly await the September launch, one thing's for sure – the AI landscape is about to get a whole lot more interesting. Will Metis become your new favorite chatbot? Will you be willing to pay for a smarter Alexa? The possibilities are endless, and we can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

Amazon is coming in hot with Metis and 'Remarkable Alexa.' Whether they'll be game-changers or just another blip on the AI radar remains to be seen, but one thing's certain – the AI race is far from over, and Amazon's not going down without a fight! 🥊🤖📢

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AI Bites 🍪

Watch this, thank me later... 👀

How will Siri shape up with ChatGPT?!

Prompt time!

“Business idea with no funding” edition (copy and paste to ChatGPT)

"How can someone turn their passion for [specific skill or hobby] into a profitable business without significant investment? Are there any proven strategies for leveraging personal strengths and existing resources to start a successful business in [field or industry] with limited funding?"
Can you suggest any business models that don't require a lot of upfront investment for someone looking to start a business in [the tech industry, the creative field, the service sector, etc.]? What are the key advantages and challenges of these models in [partnerships, subscription services, crowdsourcing, etc.], and what steps can someone take to ensure success with limited funding in [a competitive market, a rapidly changing industry, a challenging economy, etc.]?
How can someone start a business using only skills and resources they already have in [social media management, graphic design, event planning, etc.]? Are there any proven strategies for leveraging [their network, creativity, technical know-how, etc.] to create a successful and profitable business without a lot of investment in [the gig economy, freelance market, side hustle scene, etc.]?
What are some unique and creative ways to offer services or sell products in [the wellness industry, the pet industry, the eco-friendly market, etc.] without a lot of start-up costs? Can you suggest any unconventional business models or marketing strategies that have proven effective for businesses with limited funding in [the virtual world, the local community, the global market, etc.]

AI Tool Favorites 🤩

Tooncrafter - Animate from still frames!

Doly - Create 3D product videos fast

ElevenLabs - Improved text to sound

Spellar AI- Speak better…

Lumi - Say Bye to Bland with Lumi's AI-Generated Photo Magic 👋🥱➡️

School of SDR - A Better Way to Learn Sales Today 👋

MidReal - Transform your ideas into AI-driven stories!🎨

Noisee - Turn your fav melodies into music clips!🤖

🤖 Captions - Browse and Design: AI Creative Studio at Your Fingertips 🖱️🎨

🔬 Sequel - AI Dietitian: Nutrition Analysis, Lab Tracking & Expert Tips 🥗🤖

📝 Groupthink - Real-time meeting notes, task detection, and recaps

🧠 MyMemo - Transform your data into a digital brain to chat with

💬 Virabble - Repurpose any content into viral social media posts

🎨 Bezi AI - Design 3D apps and games with AI

📣 Delfiny AI- AI-powered digital marketing assistants

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